Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Stuffed Salmon

They've turned one of our local pubs into an extremely trendy wine bar/flash harry restaurant (which they describe as a 'bar/kitchen/bodega- ' sheesh). It's a beautiful old Victorian folly with mock turrets which means that the bizarre gothic surrealist theme they've gone with for the refit is actually in keeping with the original weirdness of the place. So instead of a massive Sky TV screen and drinks promotion signs we've now got a massive monkey's head and religious frescos. Anyway, the food was pretty good- really nicely cooked salmon followed by a cookie and ice cream thing. Mind you, I did have an inner voice throughout dessert saying 'Five pounds for a chocolate biscuit. Are you quite mad?' Perhaps I'm turning into my dad.

Monday, September 18, 2006
Mealy Pudding with Yorkshires

Something of a heritage Sunday lunch what with me being a Yorkshireman of Grampian descent. This was a version of the mealy pudding that I remember eating on my cousin's croft in the North East of Scotland when I was a kid (except without the beef fat and intestine).
Potatoes (home grown)
Chard (home grown)
Eggs (UK)
Turnip (home grown)
Oats (Scotland)
Lentils ('product of more than one country')
Onions (home grown)
Flour ('product of the EU')
Gravy (Bisto)
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Butter Bean Stew

Courgette (home grown)
Runner beans (home grown)
Turnips (home grown)
Onion (home grown)
Potatoes (home grown)
Garlic (home grown)
Cider (UK)
I also had a bit of this apple and prune cake from the brilliant Daphna's cheesecake factory. Daphna is the don of South Liverpool cake distribution. She runs a firm of old ladies across the Allerton and Hunts Cross area who's home baking is as addictive as crack cocaine. Anyway, this was the first time I'd ever actually eaten a prune and I was pleasantly surprised. It's not that the laxative associations had put me off- it's just that in my adult life there have been loads of things I've discovered that I had refused to eat as a child. For instance, I didn't eat an orange until I was 22- in some people's worldview this is considered a bit odd.

Friday, September 15, 2006
Scampi and Chips

Had to dash out really quickly after work as we went to see Ian Forsyth and Jane Pollard's Silent Sound happening at St George's Hall. I didn't like it very much but the small concert hall is newly renovated and an absolutely beautiful space. Liked the scampi and chips though.
Scampi (UK)
Oven chips (UK)
Peas ('Product of the EU')

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Pizza and a gentleman's cape

Pizza in the Quarter on Falkner Street tonight for my friend Sam's birthday- always a pretty reliable place (although I'm not convinced by the concept of a 'Greek Pizza'). On a more remarkable note Sam's partner had an exquisitely tailored Victoran cape made for him as a birthday present. He is pictured giving a well chosen reading from David Hasslhof's biography.
All ingredients unknown origin.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thai bites

Corn (California)
Coriander seed (home grown)
Coriander leaf (UK)
Chard (home grown)
Spinach (home grown)
Vegan Thai 'fish style' bites (unspecified) The moral of this product is 'fear the fish replacement'. Deeply unpleasant.
Chilli sauce ('bottled in the UK')
Sunday, September 10, 2006

My friend Karin always makes the most amazing food every time I go round to her house. Tonight was no exception with home-made rye-bread, ‘yogic’ vegetables (which you have to chant over or something), a great lasagne and one of the tastiest salads I’ve ever eaten. She did tell me the origin of pretty much all of the ingredients but there were so many of them (and I had several glasses of wine) that I’ve now forgotten. Here’s a selection but maybe you could fill in the gaps with a comment Karin?
Courgettes (home grown)
Various vegetables (Rice Lane City Farm, Liverpool)
Herbs (home grown)
Erm… that’s it… I really have forgotten.

Monday, September 04, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Aubergine (UK)
Yellow courgettes (home grown)
Chard (home grown)
Spinach (home grown)
Onions (home grown)
Garlic (home grown)
Shallots (home grown)
Potatoes (home grown)
Cheddar cheese (UK)

This was a bit made up- a tuna and okra hash with Quinoa or something. Tasted OK though.
Tuna (Republic of Maldives)That really is a very long way. An island nation whose capital Male looks totally bizzare and space age when viewed from the air. Have a look here
Okra (unknown origin)
Red onions (home grown)
Pepper (UK)
Quinoa (Bolivia)